Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Format for Revenge

I believe revenge is (fill in with your own definition). (Author of the quote) states, (fill in the quote). I agree with this quote because (fill in your interpretation of the quote). An experience in my life that shows this to be true is (BRIEFLY describe the situation).

Body #1:
Describe the experience using narrative (1st person)
What happened? When did it occur? Why did it happen?

Body #2:
What were the effects of this experience on your life? What did you learn?

Body #3:
How does this experience prove the quote true?

Conclusion: (restate the introduction)
In conclusion, I believe revenge is (fill in with your own definition).(Author of the quote) states, (fill in the quote). I agree with this quote because (fill in your interpretation of the quote). The experience stated above taught me that revenge………………………

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